קול קורא ומכרזים

מכרז כ"א מס' 1/2025 -

לתפקיד רכז.ת תפעול למרכז הלאומי לכלכלה כחולה וחדשנות ימית

מכרז מס' 2/2025-

למתן שירותי ייעוץ וסקאוטינג לתכנית הייפאנד

עדכון למכרז

מכרז מס' 3/2025 -

למתן שירותי פיתוח עסקי למרכז הלאומי לכלכלה כחולה וחדשנות ימית

עדכון למכרז

מכרז כ"א מס' 4/2025 -

לתפקיד מנהל.ת תוכנית הייפאנד

מכרז כ"א מס' 5/2025 -

לתפקיד סגן מנהל.ת פיתוח עסקי תוכניות אקסלרציה

קול קורא -

להשקעה במיזמים טכנולוגיים בתחום הימי (Blue Tech)

קול קורא -

להשקעה במיזמים טכנולוגיים

 Hackathon in honor of Retired Captain Mr. Dov Shafir

HiCenter, through the Israeli National Center of Blue Economy & Innovation and the Institute for Maritime Policy and Strategy (MPS) in Haifa, is honored to announce the first hackathon in honor of Rt. Captain Mr. Dov Shapir. The goal of this hackathon is to promote technological research and innovation in the blue economy.

The event is scheduled for December 17, 2024 . Our goal for this event is to promote the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and job creation while preserving the ocean ecosystem's health. We are excited about your participation and the innovative solutions that will emerge from this event .

Dov Shafir (born December 28, 1931) is a retired naval officer who served in the 13th Fleet (Shayetet 13) of the Israeli Navy, commanded it in the Six-Day War, and later was the head of the Personnel Division of the Israeli Navy. After he retired from the Israeli Navy, he became a director of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, an investor in the capital market, and a member of the Board of Directors of Ashkelon College and the Board of Trustees of the University of Haifa. He had the vision and support to establish the Center for Maritime Policy Center (HMS) at the University of Haifa and 2024 establish MPS – Maritime Policy and Strategy Institute in The Israeli National Center of Blue Economy & Innovation in Haifa.

What is expected?
1. All applications be submitted until November 29th, 2024, via: [email protected]

2. Our team will examine all the applications that were submitted according to each challenge requirements.

3. Candidates who passed the 2nd stage will be introduced to the relevant mentor. The mentor will be available to answer any questions throughout the prosses.

4. The final stage will take place on December 17th. There, the candidates will have the chance to meet with their mentors and finalize their topic.

During MPS – Maritime Policy and Strategy Institute, 21 Hanamal St. Haifa the event, each candidate (from each challenge) will have the opportunity to present their topic with a 10 min presentation to the judging team.

5. The judging team will decide on a winner in each challenge category.

The prize for each challenge will be a NIS 12,000 grant.